The last one win!

Terribles accidents… for that reason… I told you…

And ask … don’t worry.

up I win.

any question you’d like me to ask?

oops, i win

you asked me… If I want to ask you something… or no?


no, i asked you if you like any particular question for me to ask

no, i asked you if you like any particular question for me to ask

ask me I don’t have problem to aswer you… right!


how warm is the pool?

i win

lukewarm… How did you like?


ok, you win.

hehe, i won!

!shock!+ :mad:+ !punch!= :frowning:

I win

You always win!!!

But now… I won!

Yo gano …

to that he was not another one chuta …

I win.

So… but I didn’t get the last idea…

well… I win!

I win

I have good luck 10 have alone

I win … winner ooohhhhh yeah !!

i’m feeling like a winner. Indeed, I win!

Sorry… you are loser… I’m winner again…

[B][COLOR=“DarkOrchid”]no no no…


i win[/COLOR][/B]

[i]Sorrryyyyy!!! are you crazy?..

I’m the last one…!!! cheers![/i]


i win